Sunday, 5 May 2013

Pregnant woman stabs sexual attacker dead : --he wanted to fondle; she didn’t

FOUR-month-pregnant Simone Daniels admitted to grievously stabbing 33-year-old Mark Anthony Fredericks, a father of two, on Friday night, causing him to later succumb to his injury at his Barnwell North, Mocha home on the East Bank Demerara. Reports suggest that the man had attempted to sexually assault the woman when he received the fatal wound.
His mother, Rita Fredericks, told the media she was passing a shop where villagers were gathered Friday night for a nine-night observance when she heard someone say, "Simone, you know you stab Mark? What you stab he for?"
On hearing this, she turned back and went into the shop, only to see her son sitting, bleeding from the region of the heart.
She admitted her son never had a relationship with the female named Simone, and that he troubled with tuberculosis.
Melvena, sister of the pregnant Simone, who is now in police custody, told the Chronicle that she was asleep when she got a telephone call at approximately 06:00hrs; her reputed husband, who took the call, insisted that she speak to the persons on the line, although she was reluctant so to do. However, after hearing what had happened, she refreshed herself and rushed down to her sister's home, where she found her fast asleep, and obviously intoxicated.
Melvena said when she arrived at the house, the children wanted to wake her sister, but she advised them not to, since she was still intoxicated. She then engaged her sister’s children in conversation, as well as other persons in the yard; and after travelling a considerable distance from her sister’s home,
she encountered someone who informed her that the man her sister had stabbed "last night" is dead.
Melvena said she was made to understand that her sister had escorted a senior couple to their home after they had visited the nine-night observance, and was returning to her home when she was attacked by the man, who forced his hand into her underwear and began fondling her despite her every effort to get away from him.
Being familiar with the man's illness, the woman reportedly informed her assailant that she was pregnant, and had no desire to fraternize with anyone who was sickly; but the man still persisted in his behaviour despite the caution, so she whipped out a knife and stabbed him.
Melvena said the last time she saw her sister was the same Friday night before the incident occurred. She said their paths crossed as she and her reputed husband were leaving the nine-night; as they passed one another, Melvena said she asked Simone where she was going at that hour.
According to Melvena, her sister has other children, but when their father is away at sea, she would hook up with a Rastaman she’d befriended, who would usually squire her around. Unfortunately, he was not with her on the night in question.


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