Some days you feel like you might just lose your cool because you’re
so sleep deprived, stressed out and overwhelmed. But instead of melting
yourself down, read on to find eight simple and effective ways to deal
with your feelings and to find your inner peace.

If stuck at home with the kids on a rainy day then set the kids up with any activity and take a 20 minute break to read a magazine, take a bath or call a friend. Any way that you find brings you comfort and support, take it.
1. Realize That Emotions Are Natural:
During your childhood you must have learned that expressing emotions was not expected of you with messages like “big girls don’t cry,” or “I’ll give you something to cry about.” But emotions are just normal function of the body. And all feelings are rooted in just three emotions: anger, sadness and fear. Expressing them is perfectly normal, even healthy, Bijou said.2. Have A Plan B:
There are some inevitable events like tantrums, meltdowns and sibling fights,and if you anticipate and plan ahead, you’ll be more equipped to handle tough situations. Some ideas: throw your tantruming tot into the bath and let him or her play while you take your own time out or take a trip to the park during the witching hour.3. Rationalize Your Expectations:
You’ll only set yourself up for frustration and disappointment if you’re trying to be the perfect mom and follow every piece of advice you hear. Instead, reevaluate and do what’s realistic for your family. Don’t think about how it should be; look at how it is.4. Take A Break:
If stuck at home with the kids on a rainy day then set the kids up with any activity and take a 20 minute break to read a magazine, take a bath or call a friend. Any way that you find brings you comfort and support, take it.
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