by Wole Soyinka
LET us go back a little, nearly a year ago, to that earlier attempt to
interfere in, and legislate on sexual conduct between consenting adults.
Profiting from that experience, I would like to caution – yet again – that it is
high time we learnt to ignore what we conveniently designate and react to as
'foreign interference'. By now, we should be able to restrict ourselves to the
a priori position that, as rational beings, we make pronouncements on choices
of ethical directions from our own collective and/or majority will, independent
of what is described as 'external dictation'. The noisome emissions that surged
from a handful of foreign governments last year should not be permitted to
obscure the fundamental issue of the right to private choices of the free, adult
citizen in any land – Asian, African, European etc. Those external responses
were of such a nature – hysterical, hypocritical and disproportionate – that,
speaking for myself at least, I could only wonder if they had not been generated
by a desperate need for distraction away from the economic crisis that
confronted, at that very time, those parts of the world.
Hopefully, the majority of Nigerians have also learnt to sniff out ploys of
legislative distraction within the nation. At that initial attempt to cloak
prurience in legislative watchfulness, the timing of the removal of the oil
subsidy was coincident with a sudden obsession with homosexual and lesbian
conduct. Was this truly an accident of timing? And now? Attempting to mobilize
public sentiment against what many, admittedly, do consider deviant sexual
conduct certainly takes attention away from the crumbling of society and the
failures of governance in multiple directions. These range from minimal
infrastructural expectations to mind-boggling escalation of corrupt practices in
high places, and the basic issue of security in day-to-day existence of the
populace as it affects high and low, affluent or impoverished, old and young,
regardless of profession or records of service to Nigerian humanity.
But, to begin with, I implore all those who boast the capacity for reason:
let us separate two distinct, albeit related issues within that one bill tabled
before our legislatures. One issue is: homosexual practice; the other, same-sex
marriage. I first became aware of, and alarmed by, the conflation of the two –
quite deliberate in most cases – when, after a lecture at the University of
Technology, Calabar, a year ago, I advised the legislators to mind the
numerous, and urgent businesses for which they were elected, and take their
noses out of sexual practices between consenting adults. Either deliberately –
as I have already indicated – or thanks to the now familiar deficiency in
listening that sadly characterizes Nigerian responses to public pronouncements,
the main reactions were unleashed against something I had not even commented
upon, which was: same-sex marriage. With the now confirmed outing of this bill
however, the law-makers have served notice that their monitoring zeal is
intended at nothing less than the right of state interference in private lives,
especially in personal relations of the most intimate kind. This is the warning
shot of legislative fascism. It has no place in a democracy.
Basically, such legislations constitute improper encroachment on personal
lives, leaving the door wide open for all forms of social persecution,
intimidation and even – as we know very well in this society – incitement to
violence against targeted individuals, including lynching. Next, as several
nations all over the world have come to acknowledge after centuries of blindness
and hideous injustice, such state interventions glorify ignorance of the science
of the human body, and contribute to the elevation of limited or zero knowledge
on any subject to the altar of the morally sacrosanct.
The biological truth is this: some are born with imprecise gender definition,
even when they have sexual organs that appear to define them male or female.
Years, indeed decades, of scientific research have gone into this, so what is
needed is understanding and acceptance, not emotionalism and the championing of
'moral' or 'traditional' claims. Let us take the first. For those who base
their position on moralities extracted from received scriptures, permit me to
state bluntly that articles of faith are no substitute for scientific verities,
no matter how passionately such faiths are embraced or espoused, or for how
long. In any case, faith is also a very private matter, so what we have here is
simply one private plaintiff, a 'conscientious objector', attempting to lord it
over the rights of another private entity, this time one that yields to sexual
impulses in obedience to Biological Scriptures. Now, which one should lay claim
to precedence?
We must make up our minds where we belong. We must choose either to create a
society that is based on secular principles, or else surrender ourselves to the
authority of - no matter whose – theocratic claims. What this implicates is that
the next time a woman is sentenced to be buried live in the ground and stoned to
death on the authority of one set of scriptures, other scripture adherents must
learn to hold their peace and allow such 'laws' to run their course. The full
implications of either position leave no room for fence-sitting. The national
train must run either on secular rails or derail at multiple theocratic
switches. No theology can be privileged over another in the running of society.
This means, theology and its derivates cannot be privileged over material
reality and its derivatives.
The science of the body is not limited to issues of consenting adults alone.
It is what guides the making of laws in rational societies, what makes the law
frown decisively on sexual relations with the under-aged, and spells out just
what the law means by 'underage' in specific years of existence. Adult
males earn several years in prison for sexual relations with the under aged
because scientific knowledge has identified – beyond argument – the often
irreparable damage that is done to a pre-pubescent body through sexual
penetration by males. Society therefore protects the potential victim. Has an
adult homosexual run to the law for protection in any society we know of? Only
where they have been, or are in danger of becoming victims of rape – and there,
the law is firmly on their side. Otherwise, the law should have no interest
whatsoever in any form of consensual sexual conduct between adults.
So far, we have only addressed the issue of the homosexual act itself as it
should concern – or should not – a nation's legislatures. Let us now turn to
the related problem of same-sex marriages. My interest is not – as a hysterical
prelate, among others, tried to over-simplify in his reaction to my observation
in Calabar – it is not whether or not homosexual marriages should be permitted
or banned. Let us take it step by step. The issue, to start with, is –
'criminalisation'! Perhaps such marriages exist in Nigeria – I am not aware of
them. But we do know that homosexual liaisons exist. Are they granted the status
of marriage? Not that I am aware of. Was there a threat somewhere that this
might soon happen? Are they a menace to society? Again, all this is
shrouded under legislative mystery. No case, to the best of my knowledge, has
been brought to public notice where a court registry has been compelled to
register same-sex marriages. No priest has been hauled up so far for sanctifying
such a marriage. Always open to debate is the right of institutions (civil or
state) to be part of the formal mechanisms for pledges that adults undertake in
their relations with one another. Priests – of any religious adherence – remain
free to refuse to become involved in the ceremonies of such associations.
Individuals cannot be compelled to endorse such conduct. It remains their right
to privately ostracize or embrace such liaisons – formal or informal. The state
however overreaches itself where it moves to criminalize them. Biology takes
precedence over 'moral' sentiment. Physiological compositions are increasingly
held responsible for a number of mental and/or physical predispositions. Only in
the past few decades was schizophrenia successfully tracked backwards to – among
other causes – the contraction by mothers of some forms of ailment during
pregnancy, as well as to genetic transmission. We should learn to listen
wherever the voice of the empirical can be called upon to testify in human
On the 'moralists', we urge a sense of proportion, and a turn towards
objectivity. Yes, a society without moral signposts is only a glorified arena of
brute instincts. Nonetheless, morality is far too often mired in subjectivity,
sometimes touted as 'revelation', erected on untested foundations, increasingly
subject to mass hysteria and manipulation. Morality therefore – we must
re-emphasize – when applied to the private realm of the human body, must take
second place to biology – morality either as derived from cultural usage or
religious givens. We are speaking of – plain biological human composition, over
which no individual has any control whatsoever. No individual was responsible
for his or her birth, for emerging as a precocious being, a budding genius, or
handicapped – either mentally or physiologically. Those who evoke 'morality' so
loosely should take care that they do not keep company with theocratic warlords
like al-Shabaab of Somalia, who instituted amputation at the wrist for anyone
found guilty of the 'immoral' act of shaking hands with a fellow human being of
the opposite sex!
Permit me to address some of the anxieties – publicly addressed or not – that
I happen to have encountered. No one denies the perverse agency of 'peer
pressure' in certain societies – or institutions – where homosexuality is
considered 'fashionable', or even becomes a membership card for advancement in
some professions. It is also the admissible right of the individual to
experience and express disgust at the mere thought of homosexual conduct: the
complement, incidentally, also obtains among some homosexuals with regard to
heterosexual practice. I have encountered some who declare that the very thought
of heterosexual act makes them sick. Also, there exist the bi-sexual
individuals who live and die at ease – or with resignation – with their complex
anatomy. None of these tendencies justifies criminalization. The heterosexual –
or 'straight', to use that tendentious expression – minds his or her business
like the rest. Laws, if any are promulgated in these cases, should be towards
the protection of the vulnerable in society, vulnerable from whatever cause,
including deviations from the sexuality of the majority genders. Non-consensual
conduct is a different matter, or coercion, such as rape or other forms of
sexual abuse, and these apply both to the homosexual and the heterosexual. I
have had occasion to intervene in boarding schools to demand protection for some
young pupils whose lives were bedeviled by sexual harassment from their senior
colleagues. Their teachers turned a deaf ear to the victims' complaints to an
extent that virtually amounted to connivance. Now that is one area against which
legislators might usefully want to turn their legislative ire – such teachers
deserve to be brutally purged from their positions and made to face prosecution.
I shall be remiss if I do not also to address the appalling evidence of
hypocrisy among the law makers. New laws are being proposed for private conduct
that has never constituted a danger to the fabric of society. By contrast, the
notorious violation of existing laws by a member of the law-making fraternity
was rendered a non-event by a conspiratorial silence, amounting to connivance
and enthronement of impunity. A former governor and present Senator violated
the laws of two lands – Egypt and Nigeria – through his sexual behaviour. Serial
paedophilia and cross-border sex trafficking are criminalized near universally.
Laws for the protection of minors are rigorously enforced in civilized
societies. On that, and allied issues, the law-making conclaves of wise men and
women remained mute or conciliatory. An opportunity to enforce the existing laws
in high places as a high profile deterrent to others was simply discarded. No
new laws have been proposed, not even as a sop to outraged public conscience, to
re-criminalize such acts, yet the legislatures take time off to make laws that
criminalize private conduct that have not constituted a threat to the well-being
of the vulnerable in society.
Is it too much to ask that our legislators cool their moral ardour for a
study period during which they seek to understand a phenomenon that many hold
abhorrent? (Please note: this is not intended as yet another incentive to
undertake expensive study tours around the world – the relevant publications are
available everywhere.) If there are scientific explanations for homosexual
conduct — and these have been expounded in profusion — then a process of
education is called for, enabling a more empathetic response to what appears an
aberration to the majority. That it appears an aberration to some does not
however make it immoral or socially subversive. And foreign
interventionists should – let me repeat – at least exercise a sense of
proportion, recalling that even within their own societies, such issues are
still up for debate, with see-saw decisions between state and federal courts –
examples include the United States – right up to the present. The high moral
grounds that those nations attempt to occupy by hurling threats of sanctions etc
etc. merely strike one as extreme cases of hypocrisy, unmindful of their own
scriptural injunctions that urge: 'Physician, heal thyself "
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